Chapter 5

Raster image vs Vector: Raster image: pixels, bitmaps. Vector image: points, lines, and polygons. Mathematical formula. Resolutions required for digital media and print media: Digital: 72 dpi Print: +300 dpi. CYMK vs RGB: CYMK: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and key color such as black. Color that are used for print. RGB: Red, Green, and Blue. Colors … More Chapter 5

Questions Feb 3-9

Chapter 3 Questions; 1. Name the design principle that distorts realistic relationships for visual effect and emphasis. 2. Name the three building blocks of design that pertain to form. The design principle that distorts realistic relationships for visual effect and emphasis is Scale. 2. Name the three building blocks of design that pertain to form. … More Questions Feb 3-9


Ineffective Advertisements: As graphic designers, it is important to considered a lot of aspects when designing especially when it comes to advertisements. Advertisements are what we use to draw people in and make them consider the product or business they are advertising. As such, typography, color and placement must all be handled carefully to make … More Advertisements


  Chapter 2 Questions: How does communication design work within the constraints of print and media? Communication design, whether it be print or media, deals with communicating with a specific audience. So the constraints are dealing with the audience and just who they are. When it comes to working with multimedia, the industry as seen … More Questions.